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Warhammer: Age of Sigmar
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Kings of War Vanguard
The Other Side
Chaos Grand Alliance
A blight upon the once-verdant mortal realms, the forces of Chaos are a terrifying swarm of murderous killers who fight for the glory of their hideous patrons. Monsters, daemons and mortals are all caught within the spell of Chaos, lured by the promise of glory and bound to destroy. Followers of the four Dark Gods - and the Horned Rat - storm across the lands, slaughtering all in their path with brute strength, revolting disease and sheer animal cunning - though the Stormcast Eternals fight bravely, to turn back this tide is surely beyond the will of even Sigmar...
Featured Products:
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Grand Alliance: Chaos Battletome (Softcover)
A blight upon the once-verdant mortal realms, the forces of Chaos are a terrifying swarm of murderous killers who fight for the glory of their hideous patrons. Monsters, daemons and mortals are all caught within the spell of Chaos, lured by the promise of glory and bound to destroy. Followers of the four Dark Gods - and the Horned Rat - storm across the lands, slaughtering all in their path with brute strength, revolting disease and sheer animal cunning - though the Stormcast Eternals fight bravely, to turn back this tide is surely beyond the will of even Sigmar...
A truly weighty tome clocking in at over 300 pages, Grand Alliance: Chaos is an absolute must-own artifact for anyone and everyone collecting Warhammer Age of Sigmar Chaos armies; whether concentrating on a single faction, mixing and matching from the range or splitting the pantheon into smaller chunks, this book is everything you need! The ultimate guide to the myriad forces of Chaos it features extensive information on each of the 21 the factions that make up Chaos, Warscrolls for each and every warrior and beast from each faction (a total of 158!), guiding information and diagrams helping you to choose, collect and organise your forces into armies ready for the gaming table - and a number of Warscroll Battalions, collections of Chaos might with their own special rules and abilities.
Put simply, if you love Chaos, you’ll REALLY love this softback book.
Maggotkin of Nurgle - Start Collecting! Daemons of Nurgle
Plague-ridden, diseased and festering, Daemons of Nurgle spread terrible miasmas and rotting, fuming death across the mortal realms in the name of their benevolent god. They consider their choking plagues to be a gift from Grandfather Nurgle, and the gurgling cries of their victims are interpreted as thankful praise.
This is a great-value box set that gives you an immediate collection of fantastic Daemons of Nurgle miniatures, which you can assemble and use right away in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar! You’ll receive a Herald of Nurgle, a set of three Plague Drones, a set of three Nurglings, a set of ten Plaguebearers of Nurgle and an exclusive Warscroll Battalion rules sheet - Glugurous’ Plagueband - allowing you to collect, assemble and play with your new miniatures right away!
Blades of Khorne - Start Collecting! Daemons of Khorne
Relentless and unstoppable, existing only to destroy, these Daemons are the deadly foot soldiers of Khorne, malicious and brutal entities whose existence is a danger to all life. Only the most courageous can hope to stand against them, and even they should not rely on hope - for the strength given to these fearsome forms by the Blood God is prodigious indeed.
This is a great-value box set that gives you an immediate collection of fantastic Daemons of Khorne miniatures, which you can assemble and use right away in games of Warhammer 40,000! You’ll receive a Herald on Blood Throne, a set of three Bloodcrushers and a set of ten Bloodletters, allowing you to collect, assemble and play with your new miniatures right away!
Please note, this box does not contain a rules formation for Warhammer 40,000.
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