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Warhammer: Age of Sigmar
"Mighty battles in an age of unending war
After the End Times, after the cataclysmic shattering of the Old World, after drifting through the universe clinging to what little remained of that broken planet, what then for Sigmar? The formation of the eight interconnected Mortal Realms, whose location and secrets were taught to Sigmar by the great drake Dracothion, and the Age of Myth. Lifetimes passed, civilisations rose, and gods walked the lands as men. But this time of prosperity could not last forever. Strife, struggle and open war broke out - and the Dark Gods saw their opportunity. The Realm of Chaos spewed forth countless daemon legions, overwhelming and crushing their opposition, and the Age of Chaos began in earnest.
Despite his best efforts - reforging old alliances and leading his people to many victories - even Sigmar was forced to lead a great exodus to the Celestial Realm, the last place of safety, closing the Gates of Azyr and leaving the remaining seven worlds to their fate. Life in those worlds became hell; centuries of torment passed and the skull-adorned strongholds of the Dark Gods grew like wild weeds. Chaos reigned, and all hope ceased. But on the horizon, storm clouds gathered…
Sigmar’s great warriors, the Stormcast Eternals, have faced their trials and emerged as gods. Bequeathed with a portion of the power of Sigmar himself, each is a potent force, descending from the skies on wings of heavenly light to annihilate and cleanse the corrupted forces of Chaos.
The Age of Sigmar has begun.
Featured Products:
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Rulebook
Mighty battles in an age of unending war.
After the End Times, after the cataclysmic shattering of the Old World, after drifting through the universe clinging to what little remained of that broken planet, what then for Sigmar? The formation of the eight interconnected Mortal Realms, whose location and secrets were taught to Sigmar by the great drake Dracothion, and the Age of Myth. Lifetimes passed, civilisations rose, and gods walked the lands as men. But this time of prosperity could not last forever. Strife, struggle and open war broke out - and the Dark Gods saw their opportunity. The Realm of Chaos spewed forth countless daemon legions, overwhelming and crushing their opposition, and the Age of Chaos began in earnest.
Despite his best efforts - reforging old alliances and leading his people to many victories - even Sigmar was forced to lead a great exodus to the Celestial Realm, the last place of safety, closing the Gates of Azyr and leaving the remaining seven worlds to their fate. Life in those worlds became hell; centuries of torment passed and the skull-adorned strongholds of the Dark Gods grew like wild weeds. Chaos reigned, and all hope ceased. But on the horizon, storm clouds gathered…
Sigmar’s great warriors, the Stormcast Eternals, have faced their trials and emerged as gods. Bequeathed with a portion of the power of Sigmar himself, each is a potent force, descending from the skies on wings of heavenly light to annihilate and cleanse the corrupted forces of Chaos.
The Age of Sigmar has begun.
Continue the story of Sigmar’s strike against Chaos with this fantastic hardback book! Inside, you’ll find a huge selection of Battleplans - these are new ways to play Warhammer Age of Sigmar, scenarios that complement and add to the core ruleset to give you new and unique command abilities for your generals, differing victory conditions, objectives and goals for your armies to clash over and set-up/battlefield environment rules special to the story you’re recreating. The Age of Sigmar is a fraught and dangerous place, and the tales from the Realms are endless and exciting - this book throws you headfirst into the spectacular war of the Stormhosts, and adds depth, detail and insight into the struggles Sigmar and his alliances face.
Included are Warscrolls for the following featured forces - Stormcast Eternals, Khorne Bloodbound and Sylvaneth, and Warscroll Battalions which provide special abilities and conditions for groups of warriors.
This full-colour, hardback 264-page book also contains a treasure trove of stories from the Realms, incredible new artwork, gloriously photographed miniatures, colour schemes and heraldries - it’s a true must-have purchase for those who want to get the most out of their copy of Warhammer Age of Sigmar!
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Grand Alliance: Chaos Battletome (Softcover)
A blight upon the once-verdant mortal realms, the forces of Chaos are a terrifying swarm of murderous killers who fight for the glory of their hideous patrons. Monsters, daemons and mortals are all caught within the spell of Chaos, lured by the promise of glory and bound to destroy. Followers of the four Dark Gods - and the Horned Rat - storm across the lands, slaughtering all in their path with brute strength, revolting disease and sheer animal cunning - though the Stormcast Eternals fight bravely, to turn back this tide is surely beyond the will of even Sigmar...
A truly weighty tome clocking in at over 300 pages, Grand Alliance: Chaos is an absolute must-own artifact for anyone and everyone collecting Warhammer Age of Sigmar Chaos armies; whether concentrating on a single faction, mixing and matching from the range or splitting the pantheon into smaller chunks, this book is everything you need! The ultimate guide to the myriad forces of Chaos it features extensive information on each of the 21 the factions that make up Chaos, Warscrolls for each and every warrior and beast from each faction (a total of 158!), guiding information and diagrams helping you to choose, collect and organise your forces into armies ready for the gaming table - and a number of Warscroll Battalions, collections of Chaos might with their own special rules and abilities.
Put simply, if you love Chaos, you’ll REALLY love this softback book.
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Starter Set
The World Before Time is gone. Shattered. Consigned to an oblivion no-one thought possible. The metallic core of that ill-fated world was hurled through the cosmos, the God-King Sigmar clinging desperately to its sigmarite surface. Aeons passed, until the core caught the attention of the great drake Dracothion; it was he who rescued Sigmar, and taught him the secrets of the Mortal Realms - connected by Realmgates and peacefully populated for many years.
But even in this utopia, Chaos would find a way to corrupt and distort everything. The Age Of Chaos gradually turned life in the realms into hell. Embracing wisdom instead of strength, Sigmar retreated to the Celestial Realm and began assembling the greatest mortal warriors, steeping them in the magic of the stars and instilling them with absolute divinity.
The Stormcast Eternals, as Sigmar named them, are ready. Sigmar’s storm is lined up to unleash its fury on the forces of chaos. The realms will tremble and the skies will scorch as the legions of the Dark Gods feel the blistering rage of the Stormhosts!
The Age Of Sigmar has arrived.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar is a fantastic starter set for any and all fans of Warhammer! Detailing the first incursions of the Realmgate Wars, this box set contains everything you need to begin your adventures in the Age Of Sigmar. There’s a stunning amount of goodies contained inside - you get:
Forty-seven incredible Citadel miniatures to start off your collection, including:
- One Lord-Celestant
- One Lord-Relictor
- Three Retributors
- Two units of five Liberators
- Three Prosecutors
- One Mighty Lord of Khorne
- One Bloodsecrator
- One Bloodstoker
- One Khorgorath
- Five Blood Warriors
- Two units of ten Bloodreavers
A ninety-six page Warhammer Age of Sigmar book containing:
- All new background information on the realms and factions in the Age of Sigmar
- Guides to all the included miniatures - who they are, their place in their army and their abilities, plus pages of incredible showcases
- A thrilling play-through narrative, introducing the deep, compelling story behind Warhammer Age of Sigmar
- All the rules and Warscrolls for every miniature included in the box.
As well as this, the box contains:
A four-page rules set (this is everything you need to know to begin playing), a pack of twelve dice, two range rulers; enough transfers to apply to all of the included Stormcast Eternals.
All in all, this is a spectacular-value boxed set for any and all fans of Warhammer. Get yours, and dive into the Age Of Sigmar now!
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Grand Alliance: Destruction Battletome
Let loose the beasts of war!
The followers of the Great Green God, Gorkamorka, spill onto the Mortal Realms in a motley patchwork of clans, mobs and thuggish gangs all intent on absolute destruction. Drunken Aleguzzler gargants stagger into the fray, malodorous troggoths and grots swarm over unfortunate foes, enormous greenskinz and Ironjawz kick in the teef of anyone nearby (up to and including each other, more often than not…) This Grand Alliance is a riotous, joyous blur of shouting and violence from which not even the landscape is safe!
This 104-page book is the indispensable guide to the armies and factions of Destruction at the dawn of the Age of Sigmar. A must-own for all collectors and players of this Grand Alliance, and indeed anyone collecting and playing Warhammer Age of Sigmar, it takes you through the forces of Destruction with Warscrolls for every miniature, extensive information on the twelve factions, and sample armies to help you mix and match your collection into a fearsome fighting force - or provide inspiration for your next steps into the world of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Grand Alliance: Order
Reclaim the Mortal Realms!
The gates of Azyrheim are cast wide open, and the heroic forces of Order march forth to loosen the iron grip of Chaos that blights the Mortal Realms. From the Free Peoples to the Fyreslayers, each warrior is determined and strong – whatever their motives, each wishes to see their lands returned to the verdant glory of times much missed. Leading the charge are the glittering Stormcast Eternals and their Extremis Chamber, with their unlikely allies the seraphon; hardy duardin, aelfs and Devoted of Sigmar follow in their blazing path. The war for the realms has begun!
This 280-page book is the indispensable guide to the armies and factions of Order at the dawn of the Age of Sigmar. A must-own for all collectors and players of this Grand Alliance, and indeed anyone collecting and playing Warhammer Age of Sigmar, it takes you through the forces of Order with Warscrolls for every miniature, extensive information on the twenty-one factions, nineteen Warscroll Battalions and a selection of sample armies to help you mix and match your collection into a heroic fighting force - or provide inspiration for your next steps into the world of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.