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Space Wolf Elites
Space Wolves - Venerable Dreadnought
A towering construct of man and machine, the Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought is a walking colossus of adamantium and ceramite. Within the talisman-covered sarcophagus lies the remains of an honoured hero of the Chaper, broken in body but not in mind. These warriors have taken to the field of battle in the name of Russ for thousands of years, their wisdom as deep as the ocean and their intuition as sharp as a kraken’s teeth. They are the Allfather’s vengeance made manifest.
This multi-part plastic kit makes one Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought armed with a Fenrisian great axe and blizzard shield. It comes with a selection of additional weaponry, including a helfrost cannon and a multi-melta.
This kit can also be assembled as Bjorn the Fell-Handed or Murderfang.
Space Wolves - Wolf Guard Terminators
Every Space Wolves warrior dreams of a place in the Wolf Guard. To be a member of this select brotherhood is to wield the very deadliest weapons of war while serving as the personal guard of their Wolf Lord.
Clad in hulking suits of sacred Terminator armour, Wolf Guard Terminators are a brotherhood of nigh-invulnerable champions, each eager to dispense his own particular brand of death.
This box set contains five multi-part plastic Wolf Guard Terminators. This 100-piece set includes: five different leg variations, five torso variants and 13 different shoulder guard variants, and 13 heads. Also included are: four sets of wolf claws, an assault cannon, four thunder hammers and storm shields, a heavy flamer, five storm bolters, three power fists, two chainfists, a frost axe, and a power sword. Models are supplied with 40mm round bases.
Space Wolves - Wulfen
Having surrendered to the terrible curse that the Canis Helix afflicts, the Wulfen are a grotesque distortion of the power of the Space Wolves. Loping forward at a preternatural pace, due to the strange curse that alters their anatomies in bizarre and striking ways, they are perfectly adapted to the hunt, chasing down and attacking the foe with a constant, barely controlled berserker rage. They carry potent artefacts; attacking with claws, axes and hammers as stormfrag launchers, controlled by wilful machine spirits, hurl explosive charges into the fray - and those who hear their howling war cry can feel their own heart within begin to stir…
This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to assemble five Wulfen. These savage beasts can be built with a thunderhammer and storm shield, great frost axe or a pair of frost claws - their backpacks can optionally feature either a grisly trophy rack full of bones or a stormfrag auto launcher. One Wulfen can be assembled as a Pack Leader in a unique pose, with special frost claws, and the box includes numerous decorative pieces to give your Wulfen a unique look.
This boxed set contains a total of 165 components, and includes five Citadel 40mm Round bases.
Space Wolves - Iron Priest
Masters of the forge, the war engine and the machine spirit, the Iron Priests maintain the weapons and technology of the Space Wolves. Theirs is an ancient brotherhood, and each Iron Priest has undergone arduous tests in order to bring engines of war to life in the service of his Chapter.
This pack contains one Space Wolves Iron Priest with servo-arm and thunder hammer. This finely detailed resin cast kit comes in two components, and is supplied with a 25mm round base.
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